Saturday, March 14, 2015

Group Discussions Day 3 #emf5

The forum traditionally concludes with special interest group discussions and following presentations. I was looking forward to this part as last time we had a blast. This time we got into the group of around 10 teachers and started brainstorming. Our topic was technology and we were supposed to come up with a short bit of advice/idea/solution based on our experience in the forum.
We started pitching our ideas but soon the conversation focused around one particular but also quite vague idea. We continued developing it, but soon I felt it was out of our hands. I suddenly felt lost and uninspired.

Why might it have happened:
○ the group was too big
○ the topic was too wide (last year we were assigned an area)
○ the group lacked organisation
○ the group spoke their L1 which unlike English lacks advanced communication strategies (see next)
○ some participants lacked basic communication skills such as turn-taking, disagreeing and interrupting politely (!), summarizing  etc. It was especially surprising considering we are all teachers and we are supposed to TEACH them to our students (and you know, practice it)
○ critical rather than creative attitude towards a final product

No wonder spirit of some people including me sank. My colleague and a friend later noticed how amazing is the fact that so many like-minded people from all over the country can't seem to get along and do something together. I remembered how listeners at the plenaries were quick to correct non-native presenters' English.  Or loud conversations during the talk. Is there something that we call "professional deformation" in elt or is it just common (in)decency?
I enjoy this conference for the spirit of 'everything is possible' and inspiration it supplies for many months ahead. So I refuse to get upset or disappointed! :) As they say in English: every cloud has a silver lining. In fact, it inspired my friend to research the issue of teacher's behaviour and possibly present here next year!
Off to hear the presentations! So long!

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